National Chiropractic Month

How much do you know about chiropractic care?  Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can be helpful when it comes to treating pain?

The chiropractic profession focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and its effects on general health. A chiropractor treats patients through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine. People usually seek out chiropractic care if they suffer from lower back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

Information from the Mayo Clinic states that chiropractic care is an outgrowth of belief in these concepts:

  • Your body has a natural ability to heal itself.
  • Your body’s structure — nerves, bones, joints and muscles — and capacity for healthy function are closely intertwined.
  • Chiropractic treatment helps balance your body’s structure and function and promotes self-healing.

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time. Chiropractic treatment has become more widespread recently as there have been an increased emphasis on treatment and cost effectiveness, adds the ACA.

Daily physical activity and exercise may help alleviate back pain. The ACA lists the following to help improve upper and lower pain.

Tips to Prevent Back Pain

  • Maintain a healthy diet and weight.
  • Remain active—under the supervision of your doctor of chiropractic.
  • Avoid prolonged inactivity or bed rest.
  • Warm up or stretch before exercising or other physical activities, such as gardening.
  • Maintain proper posture.
  • Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
  • Sleep on a mattress of medium firmness to minimize any curve in your spine.
  • Lift with your knees, keep the object close to your body, and do not twist when lifting.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking impairs blood flow, resulting in oxygen and nutrient deprivation to spinal tissues.
  • Work with your doctor of chiropractic to ensure that your computer workstation is ergonomically correct.

Learn more at:

Mayo Clinic, Chiropractic Adjustment 


American Chiropractic Association 

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